
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Death in Video Games (#022)
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Maria and Ammo may not look like your run-of-the-mill gamers, but don't let their polished exteriors fool you – they’re secretly (maybe not to secret anymore?) gaming enthusiasts. From storming the virtual battlefield in first-person shooters to embarking on fantastical quests in RPGs, they've weathered their fair share of digital demises.
In this episode, Maria and Ammo venture deep into the pixelated realms of some of their favourite video games. They dissect the portrayal of death in these digital universes and explore the psychology behind the various depictions.
Whether it's the heart-pounding intensity of a climactic battle or the whimsical charm of a game over screen, they've got it all covered. Maria and Ammo also spotlight games where death isn't just a possibility, but a prerequisite for in-game progress.
Join your favourite macabre MC’s on a nostalgic odyssey as they revisit and look at some amazing games that even their parents would approve of!
- Representation of Death in Independent Videogames: Providing a Space for Meaningful Death Reflection via University of Central Florida
- Reflecting on Attitudes Towards Death Through the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality Commercial Video Games via ACM Digital Library
- Mortician’s Tale Twitch stream via Twitch Streamer, visager_
- Protecting Trans Bodies in Death via Ask a Mortician on YouTube
- That Dragon, Cancer 2016 Award Acceptance Speech for Games of Impact
- A Little Death Positivity In Video Games Can Be Good via GameSpot
- To appreciate modern life, I can’t stop playing games about death via LA Times
- The Paradox Of “Death” In Video Games via Downward Thrust on YouTube
- Spiritfarer and How Death Affects Us via LeadHead on YouTube
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Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Always Greener: Green Burials (#021)
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Maria's on a mission to add a splash of colour to Ammo's wardrobe, and guess what shade she's picked? Green!
Join Maria as she chats with Candance Currie, a green burial advocate focusing on creating more green burial spaces. They dive deep into the world of green burials, explore Candance's journey into this unique field, and uncover the many benefits of going green for the afterlife.
But that's not all! Maria and Ammo also dissect the not-so-eco-friendly aspects of other burial practices, such as modern embalming and cremation. And, because it wouldn't be Philotimo Life without it, they take a spin on the Wheel of Misfortune for some predictably chaotic fun.
Whether you're a green burial aficionado or you've never thought twice about your final resting place, this episode promises to open your eyes to a world of alternative burial practices.
Prepare to bury your preconceptions and embrace the green way to rest in peace!
- 11 Types of Green Burials via TalkDeath
- The environmental toll of cremating the dead via National Geographic
- Why Conventional Burial Harms the Environment via Milton Fields
- Dulux Colour – Green
- The Medieval Arundel Tomb in Chichester via Medieval.EU
- An Arundel Tomb by Philip Larkin via Poetry Foundation
- How a Common Death Ritual Made It Harder to Mourn the Loss of My Mother via TIME
- Environmental Costs of the Afterlife via C&EN
- Understanding Aquamation via Eirene
- Can I have a Green Burial in Canada? via Eirene
- Toxic embalming chemicals via The Empty Square
- Five Principles of a Green Burial via Green Burial Canada
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Friday Aug 18, 2023
NEWS! Vote For Our SXSW Submissions!
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Hey friends,
We have a special announcement!
You'll hear Maria share that we have TWO sessions up for submission in for the 2024 SXSW programming, and we need YOUR votes! Please be sure to vote for our proposed sessions before August 20th, which is when voting closes!
Maria wants to bring these sessions to the forefront of our collective conversations and societal discussions – since grief and death literacy are life skills everyone needs – and this is one way to do it. Links to vote are below, along with a summary of each session.
Thank you for your votes and endless support 💖
Beyond Empathy: The Superpower Skill of the Future: https://bit.ly/3P2EKcP
Good Mourning: Community Discussions Over Grief and Death: https://bit.ly/3QKN95H
Beyond Empathy: The Superpower Skill of the Future
This session equips leaders and organizers with the skills and resources they need to lead compassionately and with a human-centric approach to navigating death and grief-related topics. This includes burnout, layoffs, the climate crisis, the death of a loved one, and other life transitions.
Good Mourning: Community Discussions Over Grief and Death
This session is a meet-up to provide a space to lessen the tension and anxiety we feel when it comes to navigating death and grief discussions. People will be provided with prompt questions to discuss topics related to dying, grief, and death and will be encouraged to discuss these topics, which are often otherwise discouraged to discuss in most settings.

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Historical Perspectives of Death II (#020)
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Maria and Ammo delve into the realms of death, afterlife beliefs, and funeral rites in this season’s episode of Historical Perspectives of Death II! Join them as they journey through ancient tales of Norse Mythology, and explore the modern-day practices of Haitian Vodou.
Here’s what you can expect from each segment:
Norse Mythology
- Explore the realms of Helheim, Fólkvangr, and Valhalla
- Mysteries of Ragnarok and the end of the world
- Historical preservation and retelling of Norse mythologies
Haitian Vodou
- Gede, the spirit of death
- Parallels to other religions
- Addressingpop culture and Hollywood misconceptions
- Cultural insights and the unraveling of the history of Haitian Vodou
Now's the time to rest your axe, grab some mead, and allow this shield maiden and her trusty partner in death, grief, and afterlife lore to regale you with the tales of old and new.
- Death and the Afterlife In Norse Mythology
- Ragnarok: What You Need To Know
- Folkvangr: Freya’s Realm
- Ten Norse Mythology Facts You Need to Know
- Vodou: The Black Religion That’s Been Maligned for Centuries
- The Mystery and Magic of Haitian Vodou Funeral Rites
- Haitian Funeral: Customs, Traditions & Etiquette
- Vodou Songs in Haitian Creole and English
- Cultural Spotlight: Haitian Funeral Traditions
- The Guardian - Vodou is elusive and endangered, but it remains the soul of Haitian people
- Follow Philotimo Life on social!

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Community Death Education (#019)
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Your favourite Macabre MCs are back with a very special guest!
In this episode, they hear one of Maria's dear friends and mentor, Heather Massey, discuss this new death-positive movement that's making waves. She also shares her personal experiences with death, her story about her mother's death, and how death and birth are more similar than we would typically assume...
- Death Over Dinner
- Conversation Project
- What is community deathcare?
- Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Association (CHPCA)
- The Nightingale Centre for Grieving Children and Families
- Bereavement Support by Province
- Quotes about death
- Follow Philotimo Life on social!

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Personifying Death (#018)
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Have you ever wondered why Death is often portrayed as a hooded skeleton? Or why he carries a scythe? Or why he's always a he? Well, in this episode, Maria and Ammo take you on a historical adventure to break it down! They also look at Death as presented in more popular media such as the TV show Adventure Time, and The Sandman comics. Join them for another episode that covers the multifaceted presence of death in popular media!
- The Many Appearances of Death
- Maria can’t like fun things
- Infographics: Visualizing the History of Pandemics
- TalkDeath – The Most Popular Depictions Of Death In Art
- The Seventh Seal (don't hate us for linking a wikipedia article, please. we're sensitive.)
- El Silbon - Whistling Man
- FORBES – The Ambiguous Ending To Adventure Time Explained
- Cinamon Hadley – The Inspiration for Neil Gaiman's Death
- Sandman Fandom – Death
- Collider – How 'The Sandman' Reimagines Death as a Character
- Follow Philotimo Life on social!

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Higher Level Death Education ft. Dr. Susan Srigley (#017)
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Your favourite duo of death is back for season three! After some super exciting Philotimo Life updates (including news on a new episode schedule, and Philotimo corporate grief coaching), you'll hear from Dr. Susan Srigley.
Susan is a Professor of Religions and Cultures at Nipissing University, Ontario, Canada.
In this episode, you'll explore the need for higher-level death education and... a death cake cafe?
- Lifting the Lid, Why Death Education Matters To Young People w/ Prof Susan Srigley and Death Ambassadors
- Death Denial: Hiding and Camouflaging Death
- The Problem with Death Avoidance
- Death Literacy is Life Literacy
- Follow Dr.Susan Srigley on Instagram!
- Follow Philotimo Life on social!

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Surviving Season 2 (#016)
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Now that you've survived season 2, join your hosts as we look back at the most mind-blowing moments, funniest bits, and guest insights so far. But that's not all...
You'll also hear a brand-new, exclusive blooper dance track (courtesy of editor Stacie), some hilarious skits, cameos, and we'll even spitball some ideas for season three and beyond!
Oh, and you won't want to miss the head-to-head showdown for the title of "Season 2 Ultimate Thanatologist".
Stay tuned for more, folks.

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Dying Well, ft. Olga Nikolajev (#015)
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Welcome to the penultimate episode of season 2!
There’s nobody more suited to guide us through this last stage than an end-of-life expert with over 25 years of experience. Olga Nikolajev RN, MA, CT is an end-of-life nurse, doula, dying well advocate, and cannabis educator.
She’ll use her death doula skills to teach us about dying well from a holistic point of view. This includes the spiritual, mental, physical, sexual, and emotional aspects. Yep. You read that right! We’ll also talk about her work in policy change, death literacy, social support, and even advocacy for psychedelics.
Join us as we change how we approach our dying experience...
Show notes:
- Kathy Kortes-Miller Working on educating children about Death Literacy
- Politics Behind Ontario’s SexEd Curriculum
- “Strong social support decreases mental health problems in young adults” via McGill University
- “Ontario ‘completely ignored and bulldozed’ problems in long-term care: former inspector” via Global News
- “Comfort Care, Hospice or Palliative Care; What's the Difference?” via Compassus
- Kerry Newnin
- “Cannabis In Hospice: Growing Demand And Acceptance For End-Of-Life Care” via Forbes
- “A Simple Guide to the Endocannabinoid System” via Healthline
- “Four Terminally Ill Canadians Gain Legal Right To Use Magic Mushrooms For End-Of-Life Distress” via Forbes

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
A History Of Death (#014)
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Since you all loved the “Ancient Perspectives On Death” episode from last season, we’re resurrecting it as a regular format!
This time around, Maria and Ammo discuss The Torajan people of Indonesia, who hang out with their dead on an annual basis, Tibetan Sky Burials, and more!
Let’s see what we can learn from other cultures about giving our loved ones a proper send-off and even continuing our relationship with them.
And don’t forget to let us know what other cultures you want us to cover in future episodes.
Show notes:
- BBC News: Living with the dead in Indonesia
- Cleaning the dead: the afterlife rituals of the Torajan people
- Tibetan Sky Burials: Stumbling upon the secret ritual of feeding the dead to vulture 'angels'
- Sky Burials: Tradition Becomes Controversial Tourist Attraction | Short Film Showcase
- Spiritfarer