
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
A Celebrant Funeral? ft. Linda Stuart (#013)
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
It’s the 21st Century, so why are funerals still so religious and downbeat? If only there was an alternative… some sort of Life Cycle Celebrant?
You’re in luck! Gone are the stuffy old preachers, and in comes the secular master of ceremonies, Linda Stuart. Linda creates meaningful ceremonies to help people honour the difficult changes in life and to also celebrate the joyful ones.
We’ll discuss what she does, the myth of closure, the Welsh word to describe a grieving “homesickness for something to which you cannot return,” and even toxic positivity (Ammo rant detected!)
Join us and see why cold, dusty churches don’t always have to be written into your final chapter.
Show notes:
- Check out Linda Stuart’s work
- What is Toxic Positivity? Via Very Well Mind
- The Myth of Closure: Why Experts Say It Doesn’t Exist via How Stuff Works
- Welsh word: Hiraeth

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
This Is Your Death: Forgotten Fatalities (#012)
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Join your unhallowed hosts for This Is Your Death!
This is a game show where we detail the wildest, most unusual, and downright brutal deaths throughout history.
From blood eagles to laughing yourself to death, Blackbeard’s last stand, and more, Ammo and Maria cover the lot. We’ll also quiz each other on which incidents sound more like they were from Ancient Greece or the UK!
Reach out to us with more infamous fatalities and this may not be the last you see of this format... Muahahaha.
Show notes:
- “Dying from Laughing Too Hard” Via Healthline
- “10 Incredibly Bizarre Ways People Died In Ancient Greece” via List Verse
- Hugh le Despenser being hanged, drawn, and quartered
- “The BRUTAL Murder of King Edward II” via video
- The Brazen Bull Torture and Death Device
- Blast from the past: The Battle of York

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Grief Counselling 101, ft. Irish Dhindsa (#011)
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Grieving is never easy. But who said you’ve got to deal with it alone? Bring in an expert - that’s what we did!
Irish Dhindsa is a professional grief support worker, specializing in community outreach at the Bereaved Families of Ontario. She’s here to talk to us about support systems, our journey of healing, and even her similar experiences to Ammo with Punjabi culture.
We then put what we’ve learned to the test with a game of Wheel of Misfortune!
Finally, Irish walks us through the physical changes that our brains go through when experiencing trauma - the neuroanatomy of grief.
Get to grips with your grief right here, folks.
Show notes:
- https://www.bereavedfamilies.ca/
- Ontario support systems for grief and bereavement
- Sikh and Punjabi death and end-of-life rituals
- https://deathcafe.com/
- https://www.bereavedfamilies.ca/tipsheets
- What to expect when grieving via Bereaved Families of Ontario
- Functional Neuroanatomy of Grief via American Journal of Psychiatry
- Personality changes and grief

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
The Deadliest Place On Earth? Death In Disney (#010)
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Whether it was Bambi’s mom, Simba’s dad, or Ellie from Up, everyone remembers their first mentally scarring Disney death. In this episode, your hosts dig up some repressed childhood memories by discussing their most memorable deaths from Disney. We’ll then compare these to a published psychological study of death in Disney movies to see what they’re teaching our children about mortality. It turns out that the kids of today (and yesterday!) have been exposed to far more death than you might think. But that’s not a bad thing… Hakuna Matata, and all that. Happy listening! Show notes:

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Planning For The End, ft. Mallory McGrath (#009)
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
There’s an irony in kicking off season two with an episode about end-of-life planning. It’s lost on your hosts as we bring in an industry expert on the subject! Mallory McGrath is the Founder & CEO of Viive Planning, and also champions the importance of discussing death with children… a challenge all parents face, and very few are prepared to handle. After learning Mallory’s story about how she entered the field, we’ll learn some valuable truths about what to expect when prepping for the final journey. These truths then come in handy for a famous inheritance dispute pop quiz! Join us as we address the state of… well, estates. Links:

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Finding Hope In Dark Humour, ft. Tawny Platis (#008)
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Deathmedians, spousal deaths, and widhoe-ing… Join your macabre MCs, Maria and Ammo, as we bring Philotimo back to life with this bonus intro episode – two weeks early.
We’ll start by catching you up on our improved format, release schedule, and what to expect from season two.
We’ll then bring in Tawny Platis, host of the super-popular podcast, Death is Hilarious, where she chats with others about using dark humour to cope with grief. You’ll also know her from her “Trashy Widowed Aunt” TikTok sketches that bring widows together, globally.
Finally, we’ll explore how Philotimo Life fits into the larger “Deathmedian” space. Ooooh!
It’s great to be back, and it’s better to know we’re not alone.
- Death is Hilarious – Follow Tawny on social media!
- Trauma Response = People Pleasing via Paces Connection
- “Daily Consequences of Widowhood”
- What is Dia de los Muertos
- What is Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome?
- “Humor can help you manage grief and cope with loss” via Thrive Works
- Follow Philotimo Life on social!

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Surviving Season One (#007)
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Congratulations! You survived Death 101.
To celebrate your new status as a thanatologist-in-training, Maria and Ammo wrap up season one by going over their newfound understandings and favourite moments. As a special thank you to our listeners, there’s also a bumpin’ remix made of bloopers and a compilation of hilarious Anchorman-esque vocal warm-ups!
Finally, they reveal what to expect from season two of Philotimo Life… which may be rising from the grave sooner than you might think.
As always, happy listening and here’s to a hundred more seasons!
Show notes:
- Follow Stacie on Spotify!
- Russel Brand and David Kessler - Death, Grief & Finding
- That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief via HBR

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
The Models & Process of Grief (#006)
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Pop quiz: how many stages of grief are there?
...WRONG! The question should be, which grief model applies to you and in which way? In this episode, Maria and Ammo go through entirely different models of grieving. That’s right – there’s more than just the five stages model that we’re all so familiar with… but they also touch on why you’re remembering that one incorrectly, too!
Focusing on the story of a man called Edgar, they apply the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ‘Five Stages Model’ and other ones such as the ‘Attachment Model,’ the ‘Phase Model,’ and more.
Happy listening!
Show notes:
- Five Stages of Grief - Kubler-Ross Model
- Parkes and Bowlby Grief Models
- Beyond the five stages of grief (a reference to Colin Murray Parkes’ model)
- The One thing no one ever says about grieving
- What does grief feel like? Via The Guardian
- 21 Ways to Help Someone You Love Through Grief via TIME

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Western Attitudes to Death (#005)
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Gone are the days of stepping over plague-ridden corpses in the street, popcorn in hand, on your way to catch the latest execution. While that’s obviously a good thing, it’s had some interesting effects on how we view death as a society.
Join Maria and Ammo as they journey through Philippe Ariès’ seminal ‘Western Attitudes Toward Death from the Middle Ages to the Present.’ This book serves as a guide to how society has viewed death over four distinct eras, ‘Tame Death,’ ‘One’s Own Death,’ ‘Remote and Imminent death,’ and ‘Forbidden Death.’
And if those aren’t ominous enough, there might just be an updated era, too...
Happy listening!
Show notes:
- Western Attitudes Toward Death from the Middle Ages to the Present
- Spectacular Death (PDF Download)
- Nine weird and wonderful facts about death and funeral practices via The Conversation
- Black Death Facts
- Every time “family” is said in the Fast & Furious franchise

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Bereavement Laws: Your Rights (#004)
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
According to the laws here in Canada, grief only affects you for three days… because that’s when your employer is federally entitled to stop paying you.
From industrial revolution-era labour laws to a game of “bereavement laws – true or false?”, join Maria and Ammo as they uncover just how little The Boss Man cares. Finally, they’ve got some pointers to help workplaces better equip themselves for when an employee’s loved one passes away.
Happy listening!
Show notes:
- Federal bereavement leave laws
- Ontario bereavement leave laws
- How to Support Employees Experiencing Grief and Loss via Forbes
- Weird Canadian Laws
- When a Colleague is Grieving vs Harvard Business Review
- How to Offer Support to a Grieving Colleague via Harvard Business Review
- “I’m scared of being buried as the wrong gender” via BBC
- Spain begins an epic economics experiment in universal basic income